05 December 2010

Media Poppy

M-Mad Media in Launceston, Cornwall last week: "Call Cosmic! We need a huge poppy on the wall to represent the creativity springing forth from this place!"

M-Mad Media Centre in Launceston's is a community media studio developing projects with and by young people and is a vibrant hub of creativity in an otherwise very ordinary looking cornish industrial estate.

The 'bosses' (although I am pretty sure they wouldn't describe themselves as such) Krystyna (pictured above) and husband Pete have done a fantastic job to put this studio together, mostly funded by themselves!
There is a fully operational recording studio, all kinds of film and editing equipment and a blue screen for the young people to access for their projects for personal creativity, commissions or for work towards arts awards.

It was a real pleasure to visit the studio, witness a production taking place and create this peice of work for them.

For more info: contact M-Mad Studio.

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